Haircomb wallet
Walk-through of all the features of the Haircomb New User Interface
Last updated
Walk-through of all the features of the Haircomb New User Interface
Last updated
Welcome to the Haircomb manual! In this guide, we will walk you through all the features of the Haircomb website and how to use them. Let's get started!
The Haircomb website is a platform that allows you to create, pay, and use Haircomb tokens. It is designed to be a simple and user-friendly tool for managing your Haircomb tokens.
Main Menu: The main menu options are located at the top of the page and allow you to navigate to different pages on the site.
Home Page: This is the main page of the site. It shows the current status of the Haircomb blockchain and allows you to synchronize your own Haircomb app with the same consensus.
Wallet Page: This page allows you to manage your Haircomb tokens, including creating new tokens, sending tokens to others, and viewing your coin balances.
Pay Page: Allows to make a payment to unlimited number of users at once.
Export Page: This page allows you to export your wallet data in a text-based format and import it by pasting files or text.
Coins Page: This page allows you to view the claims made by all users and balances of your Haircomb tokens.
Docs Page: Contains information regarding inner working of the Public Comb Protocol for developers.
Chart Page: Provides information about ongoing bids (claims) and a historical price chart.
The Home Page is the main page of the Haircomb website. Here are the features:
Consensus Status: The site is synchronized to the hash and height visible on the main page. If the site is not synchronized, a green progress bar is visible.
Use and Refresh Button: You can write the URL for the backend and then you can refresh the main page using a blue refresh button. There is also a combo box controlling periodic refresh (once, every 10 seconds, every 60 seconds).
Accelerator: This label allows you to quickly synchronize your own Haircomb app with the same consensus as the Haircomb website.
Existing/Remaining: These sections show the supply of Haircomb tokens.
Fingerprint: This section defines the consensus and is useful for checking if the consensus is the same.
Commitments: This section tracks the number of Commitment entries affecting the consensus on the chain.
The Wallet Page allows you to manage your Haircomb tokens. Here are the features:
Testnet/Mainnet Key Generate: Generates one or multiple wallet keys, optionally based on the provided Brain password. If you don't use Brain password, you are supposed to Export your wallet afterwards.
Used key check: Determines which loaded or generated keys are used.
Key - Set as Change: Once you select a key as Set as Change, you can click Pay under a different key to begin payment using the original key as a change address.
Key - Stealth addresses: Fills the Stealth Addresses section with stealth addresses generated from the current wallet key.
Key - Sweep stealth addresses: Moves any tokens from the current stealth addresses page to the Key.
Key - Claimed stack check: Determines which stealth addresses were already used for claiming.
Stealth address - Claim Wall URL Copy: Copies the current claim wall URL for incoming claims from Bitcoiners.
Stealth address - Stealth addresses of Stealth address: Fills the Stealth Addresses section with sub-stealth addresses generated from the current stealth address.
Stealth address - Sweep stealth addresses of Stealth address: Moves any tokens from the current stealth addresses page to the parent stealth address.
Payment Destinations: You can add a destination address and amount to payment destinations, creating a new row with address and amount.
Payment Info: This section provides information on the payment, including the source key, change key, stack top, and allows to set key count, and brain password (optional).
Pay Button: Clicking the Pay button on the Payment Info section downloads the updated wallet (having the new transaction) and 21 commitments appear in the Payment Destinations section. You pay 330 sats to the 21 commitments to confirm them.
The Export Page allows you to export your wallet data. Here are the features:
Export Section: This section has a green Export button and a file name input.
Export Button: This button exports the raw transactions and all wallet data (except for brain keys) in a text-based format.
Export for Recipient Button: This button exports the raw transactions and liquidity stack data (except for keys) in a text-based format. These data are then posted to the recipient.
Import Section: This section allows you to paste import wallet data.
Import: You can allow pasting of import wallet data by checking the checkbox.
Load: You can load wallet data file by choosing it in the file picker.
Recovery: You can load corrupt wallet data file by choosing it in the file picker. Corrupt data may happen by exporting from a legacy wallet on a buggy mobile browser.
Scan Mempool Button: This button re-validates all transactions that were imported by being pasted based on the current consensus. Press this after loading any wallets with transactions.
The Coins Page allows you to view the balances and transaction history of your Haircomb tokens. Here are the features:
Claims Section: This section is a long table of claims and block heights in which they were claimed with amounts.
Load Claims Button: This button loads the claims information from the site backend. Please be patient. You can choose how much data to load (All, Last 1000 claims, Last 10 000 claims, Last 100 000 claims).
Balances Section: This section contains all coins the wallet is currently aware of, their addresses, and amounts.
Contains info links to other documentation sites. By exiting any unsaved wallet will be lost.
Bids Section: This section is a long table of ongoing (unconfirmed) claim attempts.
Bids - Reload Button: Loads the current claim attempts.
Bids - Filter Button: Clears the current claim attempts that are in block already.
Chart Section: This section contains a price chart, if loaded. The units are Haircomb Nats (Natashas) / Bitcoin Sats (Satoshis).
Chart - Reload Button: Loads the current chart.